Information Commissioner Ahid Rasheed (R)
Information Commissioner Ahid Rasheed (R)
The Maldives Information Commissioner's Office (ICOM) has reported a significant surge in cases during the first quarter of 2024, raising concerns about transparency and accountability within public authorities. According to ICOM's quarterly statistics, a total of 139 cases were received by the office, marking a staggering 58% increase compared to the same period last year.

Of the cases submitted to ICOM, nearly 90% were complaints regarding public authorities' failure to respond to Right to Information (RTI) requests. This alarming trend underscores the challenges faced by citizens in accessing vital information from government entities.

During the first quarter, a total of 581 RTI requests were submitted to public authorities through the Mahoali Portal, an online platform designed to facilitate the RTI process. However, only 48% of these requests were accepted by the respective public authorities, indicating a concerning level of non-compliance with RTI regulations.

Moreover, more than 12% of all RTI requests submitted through the Portal have been appealed to ICOM, highlighting the frustration and dissatisfaction among citizens with the lack of transparency in government operations. This figure is expected to rise in the coming months if corrective measures are not implemented swiftly.

A breakdown of the RTI requests reveals that the majority (64%) were directed towards authorities in the Executive branch, followed by 12% to Councils and 7% to Statutory Bodies. Notably, the President's Office received the highest number of RTI requests (69 requests) during the first quarter. However, more than 60% of these requests were not accepted by the President's Office, indicating a systemic issue in responding to public inquiries.

The surge in RTI cases and the high rate of non-compliance by public authorities underscore the urgent need for enhanced transparency and accountability mechanisms in the Maldives.