Masha Midhath   27 December 2020 - 01:07 AM
French health authorities have confirmed the country’s first case of the virus variant that prompted strict new lockdown measures in Britain and global travel restrictions.

As per the statement released by the French public health agency, a French man living in England who arrived in France on December 19, has tested positive for the new variant on Friday. He had no symptoms and was isolated in his home in the central city of Tours.

Authorities were tracing the person’s contacts and laboratories were analyzing tests from several other people who may have the new variant, the statement said.

The British announcement on December 19 prompted countries around the world to suspend flights from the UK, and France banned all passengers and cargo from Britain for two days, causing massive traffic problems around the British port of Dover.

Although France has reopened the border, it is now required for anyone entering from Britain to have a test showing they do not have the new variant.