Saudi Arabia has signed an agreement to receive early supplies of two or three different vaccines that have reached the final stages of their clinical trials, according to Abdullah Al-Assiri, assistant deputy Minister for Preventive Health.

“Saudi Arabia will be one of the first countries to receive the vaccines,” he said during an interview on Saudia TV on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, the Ministry for Preventive Health urged anyone displaying possible symptoms of coronavirus disease to visit one of its clinics to be tested for the virus. There are about 235 clinics across the country, and appointments for tests can be booked through the Sehaty app.
However, patients can also visit the clinics without appointments if they think they might be infected and are displaying symptoms such as high temperature, shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, sore throat, diarrhea, or loss of sense of smell and taste.

The ministry has also set up health centers, called Takkad (Make Sure), to cater to people who show no or only mild symptoms of the disease, but think they might have come into contact with someone who was infected.